certainly bores you out
can't wait for all my UOL exams to end...fast
been mugging like crazy all day
such that an hour of tv a day
seems like an absolute necessity
to remind oneself of one's sanity
and the exams have been extremely perplexing
casting even darker doubts about ever scoring well
which only left me even more demoralised
for my final paper, Investment Management
it wasn't until i chanced upon this
did my mood took a better upturn ((:
♥note: drag to time 0:39 for the priceless moment♥
it's totally hilarious
when the crazy fan jumped on stage
and britney's hands were trembling like crazy
and proving once again that she lip-synched
but who cares, it's britney, my primary school idol!
so forgiven!
and a note of events to look forward to...
in the month of may...
sky's birthday
(23th may)
exams finally end and F-R-E-E-D-O-M!
(28th may)
in the month of june...
auntie's birthday; dinner with relatives
(7th june)
joys and sow's birthday
(13th june)
father's day
(21st june)
and this song keeps getting stuck in my head
while i was studying
I Want To Break Free - Queen
and last but not least, congrats to Man U!
next post on sky's birthday bash coming up ((:

i want to break free
photo credits: courtesy of getty images
video credits: courtesy of youtube
song credits: courtesy of imeem
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