Okay so I'm still extremely heartbroken and devastated about my itchy fingers which went to compress my heart cherry photo and accidentally replacing the original!
I mean, like wtf right?! This sort of thing should only happen to IT-inproficient people like Joys! (*O-mouths* No offense Joys! I swear I suck at splitting the bills whereas you rock at it!)
But, life must go on, ruined-to-the-ruins photo or not! Lol!
So anyway, met Fanana and Rainy up for our IBFS outing last Friday! Rainy and I specially took leave so that we could all stuff ourselves silly with western food, korean food, ice cream, cakes and karaoke entertainment before their fasting starts!
And the two sneaky little girls were late (resulting in my window-shopping by myself, not that I'm complaining though! Lol!) and came down via cab!
So anyway, met Fanana and Rainy up for our IBFS outing last Friday! Rainy and I specially took leave so that we could all stuff ourselves silly with western food, korean food, ice cream, cakes and karaoke entertainment before their fasting starts!
And the two sneaky little girls were late (resulting in my window-shopping by myself, not that I'm complaining though! Lol!) and came down via cab!
Which, I think, had quite a large deal to do with Fanana and her booties and both of them being lazy to walk all the way from City Hall MRT to Marina Square! Lol!
Oh yeah and while I was waiting for them, headed to the toilet! And oh my gosh, when I came out of my cubicle, there's this bunch of female "cheena" (shall not name which country it was, for obvious reasons) tourists who actually dared to sneer, ridicule and laugh at my outfit (bloody openly somemore!) and they thought I couldn't understand their language! Which I admit, was a little too over-the-top because of this fungus poof F21 top I was wearing but what the hell manx!
Surely no one deserved to be treated like this! In your own home country somemore! Grrrrr! And to add insult to injury, they were wearing "pasam malam" fake designer logos clothes! Though I candidly admit that I'm certainly not one of the world's most stylish dressers but I certainly felt that my outfit looked at least a hundred times better than theirs! I should be the one to call the fashion police on them! *Humph*
Oh whatever, end of my bratty long-whiny story! Anyway, walked over to Breeks cafe to meet the duo and paparazzi-snapped them!
Fanana and Rainy!
Accidentally took it with flash, hence the horrendous lighting!
The girl with a flower in her hair and the girl with a belt?!
Fanana and Meeee looking damn fat in here!
To which my mom would say, fat that means fat lahs! -_-"
Lunching place of the day!
Rainy (with my Hello Kitty iphone cover) and Fanana!
Okay, I admit, I made Rainy pose with it! Lol!
Rainy with her Iced Strawberry Lemon Tea!
Which I initially wanted to order but decided against it
since the combination sounded weird!
Though according to Fanana and Rainy, it's a perfect match in heaven!
Me with my Blue Dolphin!
Which tasted like a clubbing drink! I love!
Fanana decided that I deserved another photo
since this fungus poof F21 top MADE me look photogenic!
Yes, you got that right, she said it made me look photogenic!
Which meant I wasn't photogenic before?? :O
Me with my heart cherry from the Blue Dolphin drink!
This is the bloody stupid photo I went to itchy-handedly compress!
So pardon the shitty quality, if any, please!
Fanana, Rainy and Heart Mistletoe?!
Lol! Nope, it's actually not a light overhead but my heart cherry!
Rainy and Fanana camwhoring!
MY Blue Dolphin!
Rainy squeezing the lemon into her drink!
Anyway, Rainy and I ordered the student meal! We selected the Grilled Chicken Chop with waffle fries that came in a hotplate! Fanana, however, didn't take up the student meal as she wanted to eat the Korean food and settled upon the bibimbap!
Me with my heart cherry from the Blue Dolphin drink!
This is the bloody stupid photo I went to itchy-handedly compress!
So pardon the shitty quality, if any, please!
Fanana, Rainy and Heart Mistletoe?!
Lol! Nope, it's actually not a light overhead but my heart cherry!
Rainy and Fanana camwhoring!
MY Blue Dolphin!
Rainy squeezing the lemon into her drink!
Anyway, Rainy and I ordered the student meal! We selected the Grilled Chicken Chop with waffle fries that came in a hotplate! Fanana, however, didn't take up the student meal as she wanted to eat the Korean food and settled upon the bibimbap!
And...here comes our food! After a really really long wait!
Rainy with her Grilled Chicken Chop on Hotplate!
Fanana with her long-anticipated bibimbap!
Yums! All ready to attack the bibimbap!
Bibimbap love <3
Hi^5-ing with Rainy!
I forgot why we look so primary school happy!
Credits to Fanana for this awesome photo!
The something extra Rainy ordered for us to share!
Garlic Mashed Potato!
Absolutely Yummy!
Cream of Mushroom Soup!
Delicious but a tad salty!
Comes with the student meal (plus complimentary ice cream)
if you add on an additional dollar!
My own Grilled Chicken Chop on Hotplate has arrived!
Ta-da! Our indulgence feast of the day!
+ Fanana's Cookies & Cream Milkshake!
Close up of the feast!
Kimmie's verdict:
the FOOD...
the FOOD...
The food was okay but not particularly spectacular! But maybe it's because I'm not really a huge fan of fried food!
Perhaps it would be better to choose other mains or dive straight for their desserts or sides! Cause my complimentary ice cream (which came along with my mains for an additional dollar) which was a mixed berry flavored one, was really quite delectable and nice! Love the blue dolphin drink as well!
The mushroom soup (which was the soup of the day) tasted really good too! Consistency was thick and flavorful!
Their garlic mashed potato came as a pleasant surprise to us cause we expected it to taste really powdery (like you know, those kind where you ate just one mouthful and you get sick of it soon after?) but it was au naturel (according to Fanana) though I have to give my honest opinion that it still tasted a lil' powdery...but delightfully, it still sat well on my palate! Which might probably be due to the tint of garlic detected in the dish!
Their garlic mashed potato came as a pleasant surprise to us cause we expected it to taste really powdery (like you know, those kind where you ate just one mouthful and you get sick of it soon after?) but it was au naturel (according to Fanana) though I have to give my honest opinion that it still tasted a lil' powdery...but delightfully, it still sat well on my palate! Which might probably be due to the tint of garlic detected in the dish!
the SERVICE...
Service on that day was incredibly frustratingly slow! But, to be truly honest, the cafe was jammed packed with a crowd of rowdy students and the staff were rather short-handed so a long waiting time is inevitable (especially on a Friday!)
Ended up waiting like almost 20mins for a table?! And once we were inside, we had to wait for an additional 15mins before someone could notice us (and it was the manager of the outlet) and handed us the menus to study! Another temp service crew took down our order and she kept forgetting our three cups of iced water although we reminded her about it like three times! By then, Fanana's face had already turned a furious blue and we thus concluded that that staff probably has really short short-term memory!
Another sour note was that my order took heck of a long time to arrive after Rainy's! That was even though we ordered the exact same dish! Like what the hell right?
But would probably stay on the safe side and stick to their desserts and sides for a long time before embarking on their mains again next time 'round!
Oh yeah even before Rainy and Fanana could snap a photo of the cakes we ordered, I totally forgot and forked out one chunk from Rainy's chocolate cheesecake!
Another sour note was that my order took heck of a long time to arrive after Rainy's! That was even though we ordered the exact same dish! Like what the hell right?
Overall verdict:
Probably think twice before going down again! Or might give them another chance and head down on a regular weekday when it's less packed! Or just take the easy way out and go to another outlet instead!But would probably stay on the safe side and stick to their desserts and sides for a long time before embarking on their mains again next time 'round!
Yummy Rating: 2.5/5
Settled the bill and it was relatively cheap since most of us took student meals! Plus...they forgot to factor in Fanana's Oreo Milkshake! Lol! I'm jealous! I'm the one who used to get freebies like free additional drumlets and drinks from my fairy godmother at FC5! *Humph*
Anyway, we decided to act on our impulse and went to kbox!
However, all the kbox rooms were fully booked until 5pm (woahs! didn't know their S$8 member promotion was so popular!) so we had to proceed onto our backup plan first, Secret Recipe!
Gleeks Fanana, Rainy & Kimmie!
Check out our bags galore!
Fanana and Me!
Rainy and Me...in the hot seats!
Fanana getting all Katy Perry-ish!
Cakes galore with Rainy and Me!
I have no idea what's Rainy doing when I'm all prepared to launch an attack!
Oh yeah even before Rainy and Fanana could snap a photo of the cakes we ordered, I totally forgot and forked out one chunk from Rainy's chocolate cheesecake!
Didn't even realized it until Fanana and Rainy's eyes grew huge in disbelief and went, "Kimmie!!!", which stopped me in my tracks! Oops! Sorry, couldn't resist the sweet temptation!
You could see my "forked-in" mark on the Chocolate Cheesecake!
(The 1st cake clockwise from the right)
Noticed the huge chunk gone?? Oops!
Awww...there was no Butterscotch Pecan (read about it here)
so we or rather I had to settle for some Golden Nugget!
(2nd cake anti-clockwise)

As Fanana and Kimmie "C"s it!
Alexa Dixon's "The Boy Does Nothing" KTV!
Rainy doing the Britney Spears' "Circus" pose!
Rainy trying the sultry look!

But it was surprisingly quite good, the top part was full of nougat bits and the cake was banana cake!
Our choice of poison!
Spot my Hollywood imprint!
We took the Secret Recipe tea time set, which explains the ice lemon tea!
Love how vintagey Rainy looked here!
Me @ my favorite cake hideout!
Although I thought I looked fat from the side view! :O
Golden nugget!
If only it's made of real gold! $_$
Left Secret Recipe and it was...
Fanana and Rainy settling in like it's their own house!
Hey-ing and Hi-ing to Bruno Mars & B.O.B's "Nothing On You"
Love how vintagey Rainy looked here!
Me @ my favorite cake hideout!
Although I thought I looked fat from the side view! :O
Golden nugget!
If only it's made of real gold! $_$
Left Secret Recipe and it was...
This is where I kicked myself for bringing along the Nikon S570 because it doesn't work in darkly lit places! I mean, it does work work but the pictures taken all ended up blurry! And I detest blurry photos! ARRGH!
Moral of the story and mental note to self:
Bring the Sony cam to future kbox outings or dimly lit places!
Oh yeah, we were given the 8-pax room which was HUGE!
Check out the 3 TVs + a swallowed-in-the-dark Fanana!
But we had a love-hate relationship with the room though! Although we loved that it had three television sets, we hated the three frosted tables in the room, which obstructed us from our usual dancing routine though!
Fanana with her Harry Potter glasses!
Rainy acting like she's singing but it's very obviously not!
Showing off the Gleek sign!
Rainy head-throbbing to Linkin' Park's "Somewhere I Belong"!
Fanana fiddling with the remote control!
Fanana saw a brochure of this at the counter!
Twirling my hands to Selena Gomez & The Scene's "Naturally"!
Showing off my "Visa" commercial moves!
Nope, nope, don't be scared! This wasn't taken in the seventh month!
All smiles for the camera!
Jumping and shaking the roof down!
Estelle's "American Boy"
Me and Rainy camwhoring!
Eeks! Did Fanana just floated/drifted past?!
Paparazzi Kimmie staking out her targets!
Charading Katy Perry & 3OH3's "Starstrukk"
"HOW, do I say I'm sorry cause the word is never gonna come out, now"
"L-O-V-E is just another word I never learned to pronounce"
Us looking damn high, like we're in a rock concert!
Oops! Accidentally took this seductive photo of Katy Perry in her mtv!
Yes Fanana?! What question would you like to ask?
Look ma, no armpit hairs!
...Price of Rainy disappearing into thin air: Priceless! Lol!
Me looking like some zombie + Blur or rather Laggy Rainy!
This photo would have been better if I had fangs!
Single Ladies, Put A Ring On It!
On Fanana: Fangs ring,
On Rainy: Impromptu Heart Ring donated by Fanana!
Flying along to B.O.B. feat Hayley Williams "Airplanes"!
Lily Allen's "Alfie"!
The "Rainy & Kimberly" Call!
And nope, not trying to give a thousand arms buddha performance here!
This photo would have been better if I had fangs!
Single Ladies, Put A Ring On It!
On Fanana: Fangs ring,
On Rainy: Impromptu Heart Ring donated by Fanana!
Flying along to B.O.B. feat Hayley Williams "Airplanes"!
Lily Allen's "Alfie"!
Fanana and Rainy holding a mini concert of their own!
And nope, not trying to give a thousand arms buddha performance here!
Me doing Jumping Jacks?!!
Doing a re-enactment of Santana & Mercedes,
Glee Cast version's "That Boy Is Mine"
Fanana's version of "Fight Club"
Doing a re-enactment of Santana & Mercedes,
Glee Cast version's "That Boy Is Mine"
Fanana's version of "Fight Club"
Rainy holding onto her Flintstones club!
Blurry Blurry!
Dancing to Alexa Dixon's "The Boy Does Nothing"
Alexa Dixon's "The Boy Does Nothing" KTV!
Rainy doing the Britney Spears' "Circus" pose!
Oops! They Did It Again!
Shell-shocked Rainy!
Oops and after that, Rainy the busy businesswoman had to go off to be her tuition centre's "Miss Nur" so only me and Fanana's left standing or rather sitting!
Linkin' Park's "Faint"
Fanana staring at the ceiling! Maybe she spotted a mosquito?!
Miley Cyrus' "The Climb"!
Though she looked like she's in some aquatic world of some kind!
Fanana looking like she's suffering from some painful foot massage!
To infinity and beyond!
Last but not least, a goodbye momento!
F21 Lady Gaga-inspired Aqua Poof Top,
Dressabelle Gold Chained Skirt
Regular 250 Denier Leggings!
P.S. That's all folks! See you guys next post on Food Tasting Session + Surprise Celebratory Dinner!
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