Wednesday, August 4, 2010



Finally met up with the entire pack of Ahlahs last Tuesday!

And mind you, it's no easy feat to gather every single one of them together!

Especially since we usually have conflicting schedules (plus Rainy, the busy businesswoman, is always rushing off to somewhere) and now, tied down by work and external paper commitments! 

But! As Glee sings, DON'T STOP BELIEVING!  

...And before we knew it, we have already settled on a turn up-or-die date! 

Well, obviously I'm just horsing around, didn't put a deadly curse or whatsoever! I think! Lol!

Though I still feel that I should give myself some humble credit for booking everyone on this date! *Shamelessly self-praising*

(Interjects a lil' and goes out of topic) Don't you guys think that the photo before the jump looks so GG-inspired?! Thank yours truly please! 

Okay okay, ANYWAY, as usual it wasn't so smooth-sailing as we expected!

SMS-ed everyone to meet at 7pm at Pastamania Bugis (though I initially arranged the timing to be at 7.30pm but due to unforeseeable complaints, pushed it forward!)

Oh and I strategically placed it at Bugis since Sow wants to be home 'asap' to study and chose Pastamania cause Fanana was on the road to recovery from her fever and she wanted Pasta so Pasta it shall be! Yes, patients do have priority

Though it didn't really matter in the end cause EVERYONE WAS LATE except me and Sow! 

Being the two happy early campers, we went ahead and literally 'choped' a table first (although when I reached Pastamania, Sow was already seated at the table, waving me over and according to her, she waited until she wanted to rot in the long queue so thanks manx thanks Sow!)

Joys arrived soon after so we camwhored for abit! Lol! So typical of us girls!

Camera-shy Sow holding up the menu to block her face! 

Anyway, Fanana SMS-ed me that she was feeling rather under the weather and felt like puking on the train! (FYI: She had to practically drag herself there to hand over Joys' and Sow's birthday presents!)

Informed Joys and Sow about it and the mean June twins were (as usual) commenting whether she was bringing along little "Jessies"! (Hidden inside joke!)

Lol! Should have told Fanana to dump their gifts off the train at that moment! 

But alas, the worst has yet to come! Apparently itchy-handed Joys went to ring up Fanana's contact card and the conversation went like this!

*Line was picked up on the other end*

Joys: "Eh HELLO! (in a damn gangsterism way) Fana! Where the hell are you and Rainy?"

Fanana: "What?! And who the hell are you!?" 

Joys: "What who the hell am I?! Joys lahs!"

Fanana: "Fana not here, left the house already!"

Joys was like staring at the phone thinking Fanana just went deranged or something but she realized that in a hurry to call, she accidentally pressed Fanana's home number and called her home! And horrors of all horrors, Fanana's mom picked up without Joys even realizing! *Smacks head*

Plus we also found out much later (when Fanana has arrived) that her mom's abbreviation somewhat close to Rainy! *Bangs head against the table*

Joys: "Ohh sorry! Sorry Auntie!"

And with that, the flustered Joys ended the call in a hurry and we collapsed in a bundle of laughter cause it was super hilarious! 

Oh but thank god Joys the camel mouth didn't mention anything about little "Jessies" or I'd hate to imagine what "misunderstandings" it would lead to! Lol!

Sow and Joys having laughing fits! 
(including myself)

 Bewilderment at our dumbness sets in!

Oh and Rainy arrived from her tango or salsa lessons soon after! Just kidding! She came down direct from work though the little rose or little red bun on her hair seemed to tell us otherwise! Lol!

Joys and Rainy with her carbonara with no peas (that made me look insane ordering)
cause carbonara has no peas in the first place! Lol! 

And...Fanana arrived soon after! Spot Joys with the "Oops! I called your mom by accident!" guilty face!

Fanana with the "Ohmygosh! I can't believe you actually called my house in the first place! 
Can I strangle you?!" face...with an undaunted Joys! -_-"

Fanana, POSB lady Sow (Oops! Don't kill me!) and Joyys! 

*Poof* Where did Fanana apparated to?!

 ...It's quite obvious who took this blur image! 
Who else would accidentally shut down laptops and destroy her C-drive with one click?!
:O *O-mouthed*

Finally a deservingly good photo with Rainy!
Alright Joys, you deserve one pat on your back! 

After we're fully fed and watered, interrogation began! Lol! Prior to this meeting, Joyys had SMS-ed us to prepare to watch her interrogate Rainy about her recently-acquired bf! Oh yeah, anyway in case you guys are wondering, this outing is labelled "Shake-A-Shake" cause it's associated with the unique moniker of Rainy's bf! Lol!

Anyway, since every Ahlahs member was present, it was time for our birthday gifts presentation ceremony

 Joys hiding behind Fanana, Rainy and my sugar momma dollars!

Sow with Part I of our gift! Sugar momma dollars! $_$

Time for Part II of our gifts!  

 Sow with our hand-picked F21 dress for her!

...What's with...

...snapping so many... of Joyys, Paparazzi Rainy? Lol!

Presents Unveiling time! *Drumrolls on cue*

 Sow with our ribbony hairband!

Sow couldn't wait and tried on the hairband excitedly!

Enthusiastic Joys with our MNG-inspired white jumper!

Sow with our F21 Tuxedo-inspired dress!

And it was yet another gift presentation ceremony again! This time, Rainy's Love from Bangkok souvenirs for us! 

Our distinguished guest-of-honor who's giving out the gifts!
I especially like this shot of Rainy! ...Cause I took it! Muhahaha! 

Rainy preparing to give the gifts!
Gift galore = Beaming-like-mad Kimmie!

Had no clue who the hell took this and why!
Probably to show me how I might be THE customer who contributed to their 10,000,000 mark?!

First up, ME! With Rainy's elephant towel-holder souvenir!
Love it to the max! Hung it up in my toilet and dried my wet face with it everyday!
Oh yeah, and apparently the elephant (*gasp* it's not pink!) reminded Rainy of me! 
Still figuring out whether it's supposed to be a compliment or not! Lol!

 Fanana with Rainy's prehistoric fur handcuff bangle souvenir!
Bet she loves it, that Flintstones girl!
Yabba Dabba Dooo!

Joys with Rainy's vintagey waisted belt souvenir! 

There's a very funny sms behind this belt!
Rainy SMS-ed me earlier whether Joys wears 'wasted belt' and the first thing that popped up on my mind was literally garbage around the belt! Lol!
Tsk tsk, Ms Nur! 

Joys looking like she's scratching her head like an Orangutan!

Fanana being tortured by the two June terror babies! 

 Joyys and Sow making sure that the 'lollipop' was indeed a bar of soap!
And no, Fanana wasn't pointing the sacred finger!

Sow with Rainy's purple lollipop soap souvenir! 

Fanana and Sow getting all harajuku! 

We ❤ Dining at Sakura!

 ...And I absolutely ❤ x100 dining!

Waiting for the lift!

 Enthusiastic Rainy!
 Oh no Rainy, that 'V' sign's copyright of Fanana! Oops! 

Rainy and Sow in broad daylight!?
Lol! It's actually late in the night but my cam lighting's just exceptionally bright!

After browsing at Cotton On and exchanging a few jokes and laughs, we had a sudden urge to satisfy our sweet tooth cravings! So it was dessert time!

And guess what?! You won't believe it but we actually walked around Bugis Junction for about half an hour just to source for a decent ice cream parlour! Lol!

Which was totally insane given that we were not in the middle of a desert or something! It's Singapore for crying out loud! It feels like a desert but it certainly isn't one to speak the least!

Eventually settled upon good ol' Swensen's 'Earthquake' sundae but we literally stormed out after no one attended to us even though we waited in line for about 30 minutes!

Oh and while we were busy figuring out where to go, I accidentally bumped into Joys and flew her to Malabar Street with my bum! Lol!

We all finally decided to head to Illuma for some Marble Slab (pronounced "Slap" as taught by our very own English nazi, Fanana)

 Catching the 'forever yak-ees' in the act!
Tsk tsk! Han would disapprove!

Joyys' Marble Slab Creamery ice cream! 
Rum (top) + I-forgot-what flavor (Bottom)

Oh yeah and something quite funny to share! 

Sow ordered two white ice cream flavors (Joyys remarked that Sow's trying to be angelic! Lol!) and requested for them to be smashed and blended together then I was like "Erm but if you ordered two different ice cream flavors and they're both white then how do you know which one you're actually eating? Lol!" 

Sow was like "Ohh yeahh! Quite true!" Damn hilarious

 The trio delirious with ice cream joy! 

 Rainy and towering giant Kimmie!

 Rainy the Princess and Kimmie the Servant waiting on her with a fan!

Kimmie's review of Marble Slab:
Their ice cream melts really quickly so you have to be sure to devour it as quickly as possible!

Ordered their S'More sundae and shared it with Rainy's widely voted Special Creation sundae! However, I felt that the ice cream was a lil' too sweet plus it's rather costly (especially if you created your own sundae and selected your own mix-ins) hence didn't find it that appealing at all!

Pluck's ice cream sundae and Gusttimo's Cookies and Cream ice cream still gets my vote anytime of the day!

Rating: ❤ ❤ ❤ 

 Last but not least, make way for Gossip Girls!

Anyway, if you noticed, the photos in this post are slightly different (like exceptionally brighter and clearer) from the photos in my previous posts!

That's because my daddykin bought a new camera! Presenting...The Nikon S570!

So far, this camera works wonders and is delightfully clear in clarity in a lighted environment but the battery sliding compartment's quite a hassle as it isn't quite secure and keeps coming out! Will update more about the various functions of the camera when I use it on-the-go so stay tuned

P.S. Hope you guys enjoyed this blog entry! 
See you guys next post on National Day for a Easter Egg surprise + OTDs!


  1. what's an OTD? anyways, gotta give credit to the new camera, it makes us all look like we have incredibly healthy hair. pity we couldn't get a group shot =S gotta drag the gang to Pluck for sundaes! maybe after work/break fast to celebrate yours truly bday? =D

  2. OTD = Outfit of The Day! LOL! don't you regret that you had actually bothered to ask now?!

    You won't believe this but that was the exact same camera that resulted in blurry shots when we kbox-ed on Friday!

    I know right?! I have a love-hate relationship with my new camera now!

    Yupp! Certainly was a pity we couldn't get any group shots though I wanted to ask the Pastamania service crew but I think he was frustrated enough by me and my indecisiveness for a plate/bowl!

    For a moment, I read break fast as literally breakfast! Then I was like thinking since when do we ever meet up for breakfast?! LOL!

    Suree! Always up for any ice cream treats! Hopefully they have my Butterscotch Pecan and Sea Salt Caramel this time 'round!

    LOL! I did get a lil' carried away with the overdose of "yours truly", didn't I?!

    *Fingers crossed* I really hope we can make it to Universal Studios though! Shall try my best! :))

    In reply to:
    fanana said...

    what's an OTD? anyways, gotta give credit to the new camera, it makes us all look like we have incredibly healthy hair. pity we couldn't get a group shot =S gotta drag the gang to Pluck for sundaes! maybe after work/break fast to celebrate yours truly bday? =D
