Friday, September 24, 2010

DBF Reunion 2010

Went back to my alma mater, Singapore Polytechnic, on 28 August for a DBF Reunion!

And in case you guys are wondering why I'm dressed in a jumpsuit ala Sue Sylvester, it's because I thought we were gonna do some "Let's Get Physical!" activity!

Especially since the itinerary email stated that we were going to play some games and one of them was "Musical Chairs"!

In the end...

Everyone, mostly the girls, was dressed so nicely (some of them dressed as if they were heading to prom) that I felt like a cleaning attendant amongst them! Lol!

Anyway, went there to meet Vincent first since Fanana and Rainy dumped on me the day before as they had work and pre-Hari Raya cleaning commitments respectively and Joys was meeting the guys before heading over to join us!

Met Vincent up after climbing to the Vanda Room and the first lecturer we bumped into was Mr. Wan Seng Keong! But I thought he seemed extremely distressed about the Graduates' Survey cause he was asking us whether we have completed it the moment he saw us! Lol! Poor Mr. Wan!

Mr Wan: "Hey Kimberly!!"

Me: "Hey Cher!"

Mr Wan: "Hey, so you do the Graduates' Survey already anot ah?"

Me: "Yeah! Do already! Did like one time only lahs cause they still keep sending after that lehs!"

Mr Wan: "*Jokingly* Confirm got do ah! If you never then I ask the police to go after you and help me do ah!"

Me: "Okay sure! Sorry to disappoint ah but no use cause my parents are civil servants! Hahahs!"

Mr Wan: -__-"

Anyway, Mr Wan's a great lecturer, remember him being ever so patient and concerned (although he was still a rookie lecturer back then) about our learning during our poly days!

And we saw another familiar face, Aik Boon, when we went in to the venue!!!

 Left: Aik Boon; Right: Vincent

Oh yeah, saw BC Low, our hilarious Technical Analysis (TA) lecturer too! I remember that his funny quirks of "(Insert name), make yourself useful and do something today!" and "Wilson, please impress us with your words of wisdom!" often kept us entertained during TA classes!

C. Cheong happily came over to chat with Vincent after that and when he turned towards me, he actually forgot my name! Damn! :'((

On a happy note..Joys and gang arrived!  

Oh yeah and we were representing the Year 2008 batch but there were even earlier batches like from the year 2000, present there!

Group photo!
From left: Sok Kee, Vincent, Me, Joys, Brian, Weiye and Louis!

Oh yeah and there were two guys (seated at our table) who helped us take the above group photo and "apparated" into thin air after inputting two answers to the group quiz...which turned out to be wrong but anyway, thanks manx thanks for the photos! Lol!

As an advocate of GLEE,
how could I pass up this great opportunity to be totally Sue Sylvester-ish?!

Photos courtesy of Weiye! Thanks manx thanks!

Presenting...TEAM SB!
From left: Joys, Brian, Weiye & Louis!

 From left: Jian Ting, Mr. Wan &Aloysius! 

Felt like the official photographer for our 2008 batch but it's not like I mind actually! In fact, I'm more than happy to be snapping away, like nobody's business! Lol!

And no reunion is ever complete without Meilee, Dodo (Jessy) and Tiffany! Being extremely typical girls, we all went to the toilet together to chat and camwhore! Lol! 

 Meilee snapping photos of me! butt looks fat! legs actually looks slim! 

 Paparazzi Meilee stalking Joys! Lol!

 Joys with Dodo!

It was time for a GROUP PHOTO! 

From left: Joys, Me, Tiffany, Dodo (Jessy) & Meilee!
Thanks Louis for helping us take these photos!

 Here you go, ladies and gentlemen, a pageant! 
Check out those slim lengthy legs! Lol!
I look like their personal trainer next to them!
But yes, coincidentally I'm one fat trainer! 

 Me and Louisss!

Lucky guy Louiss!!! HAHAHA!

Realized my legs are placed at a weird angle!
Made me look like a fish monger! Lol!

Went back to mingle and was politely requested by Joys to help her take a photo with Patricia! Yeah, you got that right! Joys being polite and all?! It must have been my day! Lol!

Patricia & Joys!
Stripey Twins!

Met another all-time favorite lecturer, KK Tai! Ever the entertaining and fun lecturer to have during boring Corporate Finance lessons with his stories! 

Patricia + KK Tai + Joys = Stoorry!

 "Inwestment" KK Tai & Me! 
As you can tell, Joys the ITAB idiot took this photo hence my closed eyes!

And the stripey twins insisted on helping me and Trey take a photo!  -___-"

Trey and Me!

Vincent with his mini me!
Comparing whether Vincent has slimmed down as WMS said or 
was it because he's standing next to me!?

Snapped a photo with WMS before leaving! She's one of my favorite lecturers whom I have known since Year 1 of ITP and she always has nothing but nice words to say of me! HAHAHA! Okay, I admit, I thought up that last bit!

Wong Mei Shan and Me!

And the entire gang of us left the place in a hurry as Joys and I had to meet up with Fanana and Rainy while the guys were going to play ball! 

Oohs but Vincent was gentlemanly enough to let us hitch a ride to Tiong Bahru, somewhat in the middle of our destination, while waiting for Fanana and Rainy to get ready! 

 Vincent's car! 

The happy driver and hitch-rider!
*Ahem* Aren't you regretting already, Fanana?!  

 Wanted to snap a photo of the fake hand Brian placed in his car!
Was too slow in whipping out my cam and before I knew it,
we were already off and away! EPIC FAIL.

 Joyys! Remember "Pssst"?!

Yay! I can touch the ceiling...with my finger!
Given my size, it's only natural that I felt like this giant in a toy car! Lol!

Joys posing for the cam while driver Vincent busy trying to check if we are going downhill! Lol!

Oh yeah, did I mention that the guys commented that my makeup looked like I just got punched?! How nice! Lol! 

But nahs, I don't blame them (plus I would be even more scared if they suddenly only had pleasant words for me and I knew they were just teasin'!) as it was really damn thick cause I figured that we were going to take lots of photos plus it's early in the morning when my mind was on auto-pilot mode!

The only disappointment of the reunion was that our darlin' (and favorite x100) lecturer, Han Lih Lih, wasn't there! Like awww! I would love to see her flash the classic "two times" sign and I even brought along my high-waisted skirt so we could look like high-waisted twins together! But sighs, never mind, I guess better luck next time!

P.S. That's all folks!
See you guys next post on BSB outing (which happened right after DBF Reunion 2010)


  1. OMG, wth is BSB? I cant rmber a single clue of it :p Anw, I like the part abt the favourite x100 han & your fish monger legs! & I can totally see my fats forming themselves around my tummy, time to hit the gym!

  2. What?! How could you not know what's BSB?

    Fanana, Rainy and you came up with the abbreviation and name! Lol!

    Thanks manx thanks! I just knew you would appreciate my fishmonger legs!

    And what fats, seriously?! I don't see any! You should look at mine! Now that's real (huge) fats for you! Lol!

    Anyway, I think you, me and Fanana should join spinning classes tho I have to warn you that I'm not really the most determined person in the world, especially in terms of exercise! Lol! *O-mouths* :O

    In reply to:
    Joyys said...

    OMG, wth is BSB? I cant rmber a single clue of it :p Anw, I like the part abt the favourite x100 han & your fish monger legs! & I can totally see my fats forming themselves around my tummy, time to hit the gym!
