Celebrated my birthday with Ahlahs on 1.11.10!
Yeah, the very first day of my birthday month! Hee! (;
And where else could we go to celebrate this big day...other than Universal Studios Singapore!!!
Yes, that would mark my 2nd visit there after my visit last summer!
You can now read up on my first visit to USS here, here and here! (:
Yes, that would mark my 2nd visit there after my visit last summer!
You can now read up on my first visit to USS here, here and here! (:
Arranged to meet up the gang at McDonald's first for some breakfast to start the day proper and guess what?
...I was the first one to reach!
Maybe the guy sensed that they were walking over or something cause he quickly scrammed away to the other vacant tables as soon as I hung up on the phone conversation!
Yeah, they actually had the audacity to make the birthday girl wait for them! Lol!
Anyway, while waiting for them, I obviously attracted a fair amount of attention (and no, not in a good way) from the breakfast crowd due to my outrageous dressing from the pigtails to the "buttoned-all-the-way-up-to-the-neck" polo tee!
But hey, how often do you get to play dress up in boring Singapore? Furthermore, with such a terrific opportunity, one just had to make use of it right?
Anyway, seriously, nothing beats the scary vibes from this particular guy manx! He was like staring at me (from the moment he entered) and then sitting down at the table directly next to me and (still) staring at me!
Petrified, quickly called the rest of Ahlahs and thank goodness, they have reached!
Maybe the guy sensed that they were walking over or something cause he quickly scrammed away to the other vacant tables as soon as I hung up on the phone conversation!
Anyway, yes, they arrived and Joys that sickening idiot and my so-called "airline" took a quick look and couldn't help burst out laughing hysterically while pointing at me!
Hey, thanks manx thanks, could someone please remind me why am I even friends with her in the first place? -___-"
Hey, thanks manx thanks, could someone please remind me why am I even friends with her in the first place? -___-"
Yes yes Fanana,
I know you are shocked at my outfit of the day!
Okay, we looked like some aunties bargaining in a wet market!
And yeah, my face looks frozen, like it just got Botox-ed!
Some potential gang fight happening at the corner
which Rainy captured!
Fanana's a happy girl with her McDonalds!
And yeah, I looked like I'm eating cereal!
From left: Joys and Rainy!
Eeks Mommy, Fanana's bullying me!!!
Rainy, Fanana and Me!
Joys' camel mouth just couldn't make the cut!
Rainy, Fanana, Me & Joys!
Sow couldn't make it due to work commitments!
Yes, this is how messy my hair actually looked from behind!
Like c'mon, give me a break please, I did this at 7am in the morning!
*Like half-awake and groggy*
Walked over to Cold Storage to get some rations for the day! Got to stock up on those water supplies, especially with a water tank and a camel in tow!
Joys looked like some celebrity evading
Paparazzi Rainy with her newspaper boy cap, don't she?
Oh and yeah, Fanana and I looked like her bodyguards! Lol!
Oh and we were off to the Happiest Place in Singapore but before that, we had to take the monorail like any mere mortals! Lol! Costs you S$3 (either by ez-link or single trip ticket) to take the monorail and enter Sentosa by the way!
Rainy, Joys and Me the birthday girl!
Leggy Fanana!
And geez, the color of the cabins matched her polly pocket bag!
Joys + Me = "AIRLINES"!
Rainy trying a bird's eye view shot but too bad,
only at a limited height! Lol!
The really cool view outside!
Lovely clouds and water to admire along the way!
Us doing it Han's way!
"Two times ah two times"
Ran into some Spook Fest along the way!
Cause I was happily smiling away! Lol!
Drama skills finally put to some use!
Me erm...trying to withhold my laughter! Lol!
Despite Joys' protests on being cast as the old lady,
I thought she pulled it off pretty well
Now we know how Joys will look like when she's old! Lol!
On our way!!!
Acting like primary school kids on an excursion with Ms Nur!
Candies falling from the ceiling!
Can you grab them all?
And behold....the globe!!!
...Or rather the elephant! -_-"
Okay, ta-dah! There we have it!
I'm sure I can do it!
See? I can lift it with my finger!
Doing it Han style!
Rainy & Fanana!
Me and my beloved "airline", Joys!
Pardon the fugly water bottle in the background!
Natural windswept hair!
Hahas and check out the guy in the pink shirt behind them!
Fanana and her lime green polly pocket bag!
That's me trying to snap a pic for them!
And...wait and see...
...How these two idiots collide!
Lol! Kinda reminds me of the accident-prone twins,
Thomson and Thompson, from "The Adventures of Tintin"!
"Look Ma! No wings!"
Behind the scenes!
From the sideline!
C'mon, do the rain dance people!
And erm Fanana's fading into obscurity...literally! Lol!
Bunch of mischievous kids!
And we were in!!!
Doing it Han style!
Rainy & Fanana!
Me and my beloved "airline", Joys!
Pardon the fugly water bottle in the background!
Natural windswept hair!
Hahas and check out the guy in the pink shirt behind them!
Fanana and her lime green polly pocket bag!
That's me trying to snap a pic for them!
And...wait and see...
...How these two idiots collide!
Lol! Kinda reminds me of the accident-prone twins,
Thomson and Thompson, from "The Adventures of Tintin"!
"Look Ma! No wings!"
Behind the scenes!
From the sideline!

C'mon, do the rain dance people!
And erm Fanana's fading into obscurity...literally! Lol!

Bunch of mischievous kids!
And we were in!!!
...Okay not really! We had to join the queues and show our online ticket print-outs to the uncle!
Joining the queues!
All excited!!!
Me busy tweeting away!
Rock climbing wall??!
The snaking family-friendly queues!
Outfit the ticket collectors wore!
Quite weird but cute at the same time!
Did some monkey business while waiting for us to reach the front!
"I don't wanna go homeee!"
For some reason, Joys reminds me of the Monkey King in this pic!
Maybe because she looked like she's trapped under that huge rock!
Fanana, Me & Joys!
Popeye Joys - a bad case of eating too much spinach perhaps?
Fanana, Me & Joys!
Popeye Joys - a bad case of eating too much spinach perhaps?
And we were in!!! Waited for Joys to exchange our online tickets for official ticket stubs and souvenir and meal vouchers!
And I'm...singing in the rain!
Fanana looking like she's on stilts!
Ta-da! I'm defying the art of gravity!
I'm surprised the lamp post hasn't collapsed!
Fanana terrorized of Giant Kim!
Ahem...one third of the lamp post! Lol!
Hollywood's very own garage!
Fanana with Sylvester Stallone's Hollywood's Walk of Fame star!
Universal Studios Store!
...And it's Singapore Idol Contestant No.1 Joycelyn
with our golden tickets!
Crossroad Joys!
The three musketeers!
Oops! Kim Kong!
The morning crowd!
Hollywood, baby!
Nice star jump from Joys!
Not bad Rainy! Lol!
Star jump from our prized champion Joys once again!
Rainy, are you shielding yourself from the sun?!
Not bad, not bad at all!
Looking like magazine cover models!
All thanks to me! Lol!
Hercules Joys!
Penguins of Madagascar!
Popcorn Van!
Stopped a tourist to take the following photos for us and turned out he was a local! Lol! That just shows how much USS is over-swarmed with Singaporeans! Guess we are all intrigued by the novelty!
Popcorn for you?!
My favorite joint!
"Breaking the bank" as instructed by Fanana!
The Queen and the King!
Rainy and Betty Boopie!
Joys and erm...peek-a-boo Fanana?!
Joys Bond & Bond girl Fanana! Lol!
Imitating Betty Boop poses!
Me possessed by Han!
And...off to the Land of Madagascar!
The ship steered by the penguins that brought them to Madagascar!
King Julien's the Lemur!
The land of Far Far Away from afar!
And oh my goodness, as soon as we left the main arena and into the Land of Madagascar, it was so damn hot that we had to don on our sunnies!
Hawaii-y feel!
Behold! Cyclops Fanana!
And we spotted someone's hut at the side!
Shrek's house!
FBI Special Agent K, J & F!
The bright & colorful surroundings!
A screaming Joys!
Trust me on this, you would never ever want to hear her scream!
That's the last thing you would ever want to do!
Trust me on this, you would never ever want to hear her scream!
That's the last thing you would ever want to do!
Yupp, I'm frightened of my own kind! Lol!
Yes Rainy, we know how small your face is!
Hey, don't be frightened of my own kind please!
About to head onto Far Far Away when we saw...
Nope, not cracks, THIS!!!
Skipper, Kowalski, Rico & Private!
The penguins of Madagascar!
Been wanting to take a photo with them since forever!
King Julien's up close and personal!
And Gloria...giving us the Queen's signature wave!
And erm a snapshot of Gloria's bum?!
Wonder which pervert amongst us snapped this pic!
Skipper skipping along!
And Joys wanted to skip along as well for a photo!
But she got rejected! Awww! Lol!
They told us to come back for another show!
And we did!!!
Check out the thousand of cameras!
From mobile phone camera to DSLRs!
It was taking freaking long for them to start and
besides that, we came earlier to get a good view!
All this under the damn scorching hot sun!
Which explains Joys' "wait-until-so-long-haven't-start" face!
Which explained mine too! Lol!
See? "Airlines" think and pose alike!
And the show began!!!
The penguins shaking their bon bons!
Doing their thing and out comes Alex, Gloria and King Julien!
I'm given the honour of tickling King Julien the lemur's feet!
Yupp, a LEMUR's feet manx! Damn! Lol!
And Fanana's cyclops doubled up as a mirror!
Doing the "O"-mouth in honor of me!
Hey, thanks manx thanks!
But even the penguin thought we were dumb, notice the head-spanking?
With Gloria!!!
What's up with us and rub-a-tummy?? Lol!
Doing the bugs teeth on behalf of Sow since she's absent!
And we wanted to snap a group photo with Alex the Lion
but we were running late and the queues were (still) long! Damn those kids!
So we settled for some kiddy fun instead!
See? Even ah mas love Merry-Go-Round!
And we were on!!!
Oily faced Me!
I swore I was so fat I nearly couldn't climb over the seat and buckle it!
And our very own Rainy...now mentally like a child! Lol!
Fanana the stuntwoman balancing herself on her seat and
snapping a photo of us at the same time!
Quite an amazing feat I would say!
Rainy trying her best to snap a photo of me while
I was lifted up and she was lifted down!
Sounds a little off, I know! Oops!
I say, leave it to the pros, Rainy! Lol!
Fanana posing with her penguin!
Paparazzi Fanana in action!
Hahas! Mostly adults riding it!
Pursuing the escapist feel?
Why so gloom, Assassin Joys?
Erm that's me and Rainy in the background
whipping out our cameras and trying to snap a photo of the both of us!
Quite hilarious if you zoom in closely!
Paparazzi Fanana hard at some snooping work!
Lol! Was I really THAT scary when I was a paparazzi??
Everyone wants a piece of ALEX THE LION!
Me wanting a bite of Skipper's sushi!
...Until a voice behind me said, "Don't eat finish the sushi ah!"
Super hilarious! It was one of the USS ride co-ordinator!
Yupp, it's the same guy who mistook Rainy as a primary school kid! -_-"
Anyway, just to refresh your memories in case you guys forgot, they have the above monument of Skipper being a sushi chef because in the movie, "Madagascar", Alex the Lion (after getting floated to Madagascar along with the others) was deprived of his daily intake of meat for too long and so he began to hallucinate and thought that his best friend, Marty, was a chunk of meat!
Hence, as the movie comes to a close with all problems resolved, the penguins found a perfect solution to solve Alex's insatiable desire for meat by feeding him meat....fish meat! And there you have it!
And it was bye-bye Merry-go-round!
Off to the Land of Far Far Away!
P.S. Stay tuned for Part II of USS, when we onwards to the land of Far Far Away!
Till then folks!!! (;
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