It felt like a one-day tour around Singapore on that day with my special guest!
First itinerary on the list, we met up for some decent breakfast at McDonalds!
Especially since both of us have been craving it for quite some time!
Straight after that, we decided to impromptu-ly include 313@Somerset and Ikea in our itinerary!
You may ask, then what's the misadventures about?
Well, basically nothing! Lol!
Okay, the initial plan was to state this blog entry as "The Adventures of Kimmie and... " however it would feel like I was plagiarizing Muttons' (from our local radio station 987fm) hit radio segment, "The Adventures of Ping and Pong"
Hence, I scrapped that idea and decided to state it as a "Misadventure" instead, which is rather true since we traveled so unconventionally from one end of Singapore to the other end on that day!
Okay, enough said!
Can you guess who my special guest was?
She is none other than...